Board of Directors

René Corado - President
René is the founder of ELF and he also sits as President of the Board. René is responsible to oversee the operations the foundation in Guatemala and also actively encourages people in Guatemala to participate in improving education for less-fortunate children.
Dr. Linnea Hall - Vice President
Dr. Hall currently serves as Executive Director of The WFVZ Bird Museum & Research Center. She was the one who encouraged René Corado to write his book El Lustrador, and translated the book into English. Dr. Hall's role in the foundation of ELF is monumental.
Eddie Corado - Secretary
The last child in Corado family. When Eddie was 11, he started helping his father at the museum preparing scientific bird skins. Now Eddie works for a bank, but he continues to help his father on this ELF journey.
René Corado Jr. - Treasurer
Also known as Junior, he is the eldest son of René Corado. Junior has been helping his father achieve his dream to establish a foundation that benefits unfortunate children in Guatemala.
Junior now also works in a bank.
Dexter Kelly
Dexter also serves as a board member of The Bird Museum and has been a volunteer for over a decade. Dexter his retired, and has been an loyal supporter of ELF.
Don Klabunde
Don has been a great supporter for ELF. He is a retired physicist and an avid photographer.